Check out Our Premium Products Below

Our premium products comes with a fully customizable, flexible solutions catering to your needs. The dashboard and mobile app can be customized as per your requirement s.

FTF 53 SMART Meter Pro

  • WAPDA unit monitoring
  • Anti Theft control
  • Generator fuel theft control
  • Generator ON/OFF details
  • Solar Unit Export Report
  • Health Monitoring of System
  • Calculates units WAPDA/Generator
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FTF 25 SMART Tubewell System

  • Hour tracking
  • Units consumptions
  • Avoid being overcharged by WAPDA
  • Schedule Tubewells timings remotely
  • Real time Switching ON/OFF
  • Health Monitoring of System
  • Avoid Misuse/Theft of electricity
  • Save diesel generator fuel
  • Mobile application (Android and IoS) and Web Dashboard

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FTF 35 SMART Street Light System

  • Make combinations of 1+1+1
  • Hour tracking
  • Units consumptions
  • Avoid being overcharged by WAPDA
  • Schedule Street light timings remotely
  • Real time Switching ON/OFF
  • Health Monitoring of System
  • Avoid Misuse/Theft of electricity
  • Mobile application (Android and IoS) and Web Dashboard
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